Monday, February 8, 2010

Update (January 14, 2010) on the CSX RF&P Subdivision third-track installation project


This is a brief photo update (January 14) of the third-track project through Franconia Hill (signals now called "Fleet"). In the picture above, it's become plain that CSX intends to keep the old siding, which appears to be getting a switch into new Track 1. This siding is very short, suitable only for setoffs.

In the following photo, plans for the siding are evident as a rock train in the distance lays ballast for new Track 1:

This crane is fitted with a pile driver for whacking iron beams into the ground, which will support for a new wall to hold the cliff where it belongs:

What, pray, is that camera on the shanty for? Is the CSX timesheet department now online?
Here comes S415 grinding up Franconia Hill:


For previous reports on construction at this spot as well as end-of-new-track at the Franconia-Springfield Metro/VRE station, see below.

CSX RF&P Subdivision: Update on the bridge replacement project at Cameron Run (CFP102) as of January 29, 2010

Work continues apace at Cameron Run on the RF&P to replace the old two-track bridge with a new one having wider clearance between track centers. As of January 29, huge pilings had been driven into the ground--apparently about 45' deep apiece--and welders were preparing them for the framework that will go across their tops. When completed, the new bridge will be assembled on the framework, a crane will left out the old bridge, and the new bridge will be slid horizontally into place. Then, presumably, the pilings will be removed.
Fyi, my previous report on the Cameron Run bridge was dated December 2, and can be found below.

H Street NE streetcar project update (January 28, 2010)

Here's the latest on one of Washington's two new streetcar lines, in this case, the H Street NE/Benning Road line, under construction since early last year. My previous report (see below) was shot and uploaded October 26. The date for this report is January 28, 2010, my birthday, incidentally--and a fun way to enjoy it. I started at the line's west end (photo above), the intersection of H Street NE and 3rd Street. I'm standing on the highway overpass that crosses Union Station's yard, facing east. On the left, where the man is crossing the street, one of the two tracks has been finished here.

The following series of photos begins with a close-up of the scene above, then proceeds east. When you come to the shot of Metro crossing above the road on a flyover, I have reversed the car and am heading back on Benning Road toward H Street in a westerly direction. As you'll see, this line is being completed in bits and pieces along its route:

The last photo marks my return to the intersection of H Street NE and 3rd Street, end of track. I'm facing west toward the bridge over Union Station's Yard.